Friday, October 4, 2013

Review: "Green Kitty," by Alexandra Bryan

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Green Kitty by Alexandra Bryan follows a child as she repeatedly visits and spends time with her grandmother who is experiencing dementia. From the beginning the child is hesitant about visiting her grandmother, but her father suggests that she ask about the green kitty. The request is made for grandma to spill the beans about this strange cat, which results in all sorts of tales from her life.

Not only does the main character learn a lot about her grandmother, but she also comes to learn about how loved ones sometimes don't remember everything when they age. I was not particularly drawn into the story, but in the story and author's defense, this book is aimed for a much younger audience, around 8-12 years old. Throughout the book, grandma tells all sorts of stories, and I did find them entertaining. As I read I tried to imagine how my younger self would react, and I believe that children will enjoy it. The stories are funny and sometimes surprising, and some of them thrilling.

Overall I'd give this book 4 stars, for being good, unique, and entertaining.

To learn more and get yourself a copy click here.

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