Friday, November 8, 2013

NaNoWriMo Spotlight: Nadia Kilrick

Today I'd like to introduce you to Nadia Kilrick!

Hi Nadia! Have you participated in NaNaNoWriMo before? 

I have taken part in NaNoWriMo four years. I think. Even so, I've never acquired one of those fancy little badges that screams out to the world that I won. Strangely enough, I wrote a 65,000 word novel in less than three weeks in 2012 but it wasn't my NaNo novel. I missed it by a few months, or I finished ahead of the crowd - guess it depends on how you look at it. *snicker*

How did you find out about NaNo and why did you decide to do it?

You know, I cannot remember how I first heard about it. Although, I have a faint memory of reading about it and thinking something like, "Pfft, silliness!" and moving on. I'm not sure what brought me to the site the first time I participated, and even though I didn't finish, I'm glad I took part.

What type of story do you plan on writing this year, and what have you done in the past?

It depends. I'm working on the third novel in a contracted trilogy right now and if it isn't finished by then, I'll finish it. Additionally, I have an inspirational romance in the works (presently, under 20,000 words) that I plan to finish this year. I expect NaNo will be the perfect opportunity to finish that one and to wrap up another psychological thriller that is partially done. We'll see...

For seasoned participants: what advice would you give?

Even though I haven't actually 'won' NaNo, I'd have to say the best way to finish is to set a time each day to write and stick to it. Find friends to sprint with every day. You'll be amazed how much you can write when you are writing against the clock with friends. There are groups on Facebook and Twitter sprinting every day and night - connect with some of them. Finally, do not back up and edit! Leave that for later. Any mistakes you've made or scenes that need tweaking will still be there after you proudly download your "I WON" badge.

Where are you from and what is your age/age group?

I'm from the Emerald Coast of Florida. I'm old enough to have ten grandchildren. *wink*

Tell us one thing that is totally unique to you. What makes you different? Do you collect My Little Pony figures? Stalk famous people? Secretly raise cats for the lady next door? Be creative. I know there is something unique you can share!

Unique. Hmmm. I'm certain I'm not the only person that does this but I collect roosters - glass, wood, metal and live ones. Too, I can't seem to pass up a stack of vintage linens, lace or afghans in thrift stores. I've just got to have them all! So, if you ever see me sifting through bins in thrift/junk stores around the Southeast, just know that I'm in the zone, searching for the perfect...

What is something you’ve learned about writing from your favorite author?

Naming my favorite author is always tough for me. I think because it depends on my mood for the day. Some days, it's Margaret Mitchell and Harper Lee, equally. I love their easy way with words. In my opinion, they wrote as if they were telling a story to friends while sipping tea on the porch. And, Jane Austen, quite brave for her time. Other days, it's Dean Koontz. Him, because his stories make me uncomfortable. Always, the writings of the Apostle Paul. Notably, the Corinthians. Like them, we have to make our stories easy to read, take chances, give readers something to think about, step out of our comfort zone and do it all with honesty and love – love of the work, as well as, love of the world around us and those who inhabit it.

Nadia is a published author! You can get her books and more info about her by following these links:

Ziggy Returns: A Short Tale

People of Kilmservy Village








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